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FAQ's / How do I contact Bayou Segnette State Park?
« Last post by WestwegoMan on Feb 25, 2023, 8:32 PM »
The park can be reached at 504-736-7140 or 888-677-2296 toll free.

You can visit their website by clicking here.
FAQ's / Where is Bayou Segnette?
« Last post by WestwegoMan on Feb 25, 2023, 8:32 PM »
The Bayou Segnette water way was authorized by Legislation in 1954. It was completed by the USCOG in June 1957. Bayou Segnette is located about 10 miles west of New Orleans, Louisiana. The bayou runs an approximate length of 12 miles, from Westwego, La down to Lafitte, La. The bayou is loaded with areas to fish all along the way. More info on Westwego can be found by  clicking here.
FAQ's / How do I embed a YouTube video?
« Last post by WestwegoMan on Feb 25, 2023, 8:31 PM »
Simply paste your YouTube link into the editor then highlight it by clicking and holding sown the left mouse button.

While it is highlighted, click on the image in the editor and you will get the following code to appear in the edit box around your link.

Code: [Select]
[youtube width=480]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6O0DtuDDoa0[/youtube]
That simple. Your video will show up like the one below.

Note: Sometimes YouTube changes how it's URL's are rendered. If you notice a YouTube video not showing up in the forum, feel free to let an administrator know and we will try to fix the issue.
FAQ's / I did not receive an activation email.
« Last post by WestwegoMan on Feb 25, 2023, 8:30 PM »
Sometimes you may not get an activation email when registering in this forum due to an email providers spam filtering. This happens often with AOL and Yahoo. You may want to check your spam folder.

If you continue having problems receiving an activation email from this forum, no problem. Send me a email to webmaster at segnette.com.

Include the username that you registered with and please send this email from the address that you used during registration.

Please put "Segnette.com forum membership activation" in the subject line.

I will then manually activate your membership.
FAQ's / Can I request a new area to be added?
« Last post by WestwegoMan on Feb 25, 2023, 8:30 PM »
If you fish a particular area that is not listed in the forum, Please reply  in this thread  with the name of the area, along with a brief description of where it is and it will be considered for addition to the site.
FAQ's / Password: What if I forget it?
« Last post by WestwegoMan on Feb 25, 2023, 8:29 PM »
You can click on the "Forgot your password?" button on the login page.

Enter your Username or Email and click "continue". A new temporary password will be emailed to you.

Once you get the new password, log in and change it to one of your choice in your profile.

We cannot retrieve a password because they are encrypted and not readable.

Also, you will never be asked for your password from any of this sites administration.
FAQ's / I sent you an e-mail, but I never got a reply.
« Last post by WestwegoMan on Feb 25, 2023, 8:29 PM »
All e-mail is answered. If you have sent me an e-mail or used the contact page and have not received a reply within a 24-48 hour period, I'm either behind in my e-mail, or your message may have inadvertently been put into my junk mail folder, and I didn't see it.

Please feel free to send another e-mail.

As a last resort, just make a reply in the appropriate section of this forum. Registering is fast and easy.
FAQ's / Will my email be shared?
« Last post by WestwegoMan on Feb 25, 2023, 8:28 PM »
Heck NO! We cringe at the thought of someones email being offered for sale. We do not tolerate spam and have taken serious steps to add modifications to the forum to prevent spammers from gaining membership.

Every members email address is always considered private..

Periodically we will send out a email for certain updates on the area that may be of interest to members.

The Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries (LDWF) will host its annual Derelict Crab Trap Rodeo volunteer cleanup event this February.  LDWF encourages volunteers and sponsors to participate in these events to make the crab trap rodeos successful in 2023 and keep our Sportsman’s Paradise pristine.


Volunteers will help collect traps in the field, unload them at the dock, and count them, as they are unloaded. Commercial fishermen are highly encouraged to participate, as their experience with the local waters and ability to stack traps on their vessels is valuable. Event organizers will provide boat owners with the equipment needed to collect the traps; however, boat owners are responsible for transporting traps in their vessels.

Removing abandoned crab traps is a wet and dirty job, so volunteers should wear appropriate clothing and water-resistant gear. Volunteers should bring their own personal floatation device, which should be worn at all times while on the water.

Terrebonne Basin: A dedicated volunteer day will be held on Saturday, February 4, 2023, from 8:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. at the Isle de Jean Charles Marina at 571 Island Rd, Montegut, LA 70377. You may contact Peyton Cagle at 337-491-2213 or pcagle@wlf.la.gov for directions. To better coordinate volunteer activities, volunteers are encouraged to register in advance at the following website:


In previous years, sponsors have provided lunch and/or drinks for all the event participants, breakfast, random gifts for door prizes, portable bathroom facilities, and dumpsters. If you are interested in sponsoring the rodeo event, please contact Peyton Cagle before December 31, 2022, at pcagle@wlf.la.gov. Please use the words “2023 DCTR Event” in the subject of the email and state how you, your business, or your organization would like to sponsor this event.

Area Closures

A list of all the closure areas can be found here, along with additional information about the program.

Before the closures occur, LDWF will mail notices to licensed commercial crab fishermen and seafood dealers, informing them that crab traps, by law, must be removed from within the closure areas during the closure period. All remaining crab traps will be considered abandoned and may be removed by agency personnel or volunteers with no reimbursement to the owner of the abandoned crab traps.

These proposed trap removal regulations do not provide authorization for access to private property. Only individual landowners can provide authorization to access their property.

Crab traps may be removed only one half-hour before sunrise and one half-hour after sunset. Only LDWF, or those designated by LDWF, will be authorized to remove derelict crab traps in the closure areas. Abandoned traps must be brought to LDWF designated disposal sites.

LDWF initiated the Derelict Crab Trap Removal Program in 2004 to address the removal of derelict and abandoned crab traps. Derelict traps increase ghost-fishing mortality of blue crabs and other species captured incidentally, interfere with other commercial fishing gear fishing operations, create navigation hazards, and degrade the beauty of our natural environment. A portion of the fees paid by fishermen to participate in the commercial fishing industry funds the volunteer-based program. Since its inception, the program has disposed of more than 51,000 derelict crab traps.

For more information on the Derelict Crab Trap Removal Program, go to https://www.wlf.louisiana.gov/page/derelict-crab-trap-removal, or contact Peyton Cagle at 337-491-2213 or pcagle@wlf.la.gov.
News and Information / Flounder Season to Close October 15 to November 30
« Last post by Segnette on Oct 03, 2022, 10:02 AM »

The annual closed season for the recreational and commercial harvest of Southern Flounder from October 15 through November 30 of each year, is approaching. This statewide closure for Southern Flounder is for all sectors and all gear types, including any flounder caught as bycatch in any other fishery.  Exemptions that previously existed for southern flounder caught as bycatch on a shrimping trip are no longer applicable.  The Louisiana Wildlife and Fisheries Commission (LWFC) was granted the authority by the Legislature to modify the shrimping bycatch exemption if the flounder stock is overfished and/or undergoing overfishing.

This closed season is necessary to attempt to recover the stock of Southern Flounder, which is overfished based on results from the most recent flounder stock assessment. At their March meeting, the Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries (LDWF) staff briefed the LWFC on management options necessary to recover the stock.

The LWFC chose to move forward with an annual closed season in the fall to allow mature female flounder to escape inshore waters and move offshore to spawn. This closed season is projected to create a 50% reduction in mature female Southern Flounder harvest. The closed season is an attempt to help the stock recover to a healthy biomass target by 2028.
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